Taiwanese Identity
Research from the blog post

Sources used in the post, cited with APA & in alphabetical order:
1. Bellwood, P., & Dizon, E. (2008). Austronesian cultural origins Out of Taiwan, via the Batanes Islands, and onwards to Western Polynesia. In A. Sanchez-Mazas, R. Blench, M. Ross, I. Peiros, & M. Lin, Past Human Migrations in East Asia: Matching Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics (pp. 1-17). London: Routledge.
2. Chang, C. (2022, 11 10). Chang ’23: What it means to be Taiwanese. From The Brown Daily Herald: https://www.browndailyherald.com/article/2022/09/chang-23-what-it-means-to-be-taiwanese.
3. Ching, A., & Chien, A. (2022, 11 10). We Are Taiwanese’: China’s Growing Menace Hardens Island’s Identity. From The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/19/world/asia/taiwan-china-identity.html
4. Gusevskaya, N., & Plotnikova, E. (2020). Historical Memory and National Identity. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research(505), 1026-1030.
5. Huang, L.-L., Liu, J., & Chang, M. (2004). ‘The double identity’ of Taiwanese Chinese: A dilemma of politics and culture rooted in history. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 7, 149-168.
6. Jacobs, J. (2018). Introduction. In J. Jacobs, & P. Kang, Changing Taiwan Identities (pp. 20-51). London: Routledge.
7. Lamley, H. J. (1981). Subethnic rivalry in the Ch'ing period. In E. Ahern, & H. Gates, The Anthropology of Taiwanese Society (pp. 282-318). Stanford: Stanford University Press.
8. Li, M.-c. (2003). Basics of ethnic identification in Taiwan. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 6, 229-237.
9. Ni, P.-h. (2020). It is More than a Bunch of Numbers: Trauma, Voicing and Identity in Jennifer Chow’s The 228 Legacy. Res Rethorica, 7(4), 98-113.
10. Schneider, A., & Schubert, G. (1997). "Sind wir Chinesen oder Taiwanesen?" Taiwan im Konflikt konkurrierender nationaler und kultureller Identitäten. ASIEN, 62, 46-67.
11. Schubert, G., & Damm, J. (2011). Introduction. In G. Schubert, & J. Damm, Taiwanese Identity in the Twenty-first Century Domestic, regional and global perspectives (pp. 1-16). London: Routledge.
12. Simon, S. (2006). Taiwan’s Indigenized Constitution: What Place for Aboriginal Formosa? Taiwan International Studies Quarterly, 2(1), 251-270.
13. Storm, C., & Harrison, M. (2007). The Margins of Becoming: Identity and Culture in Tawan. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
14. Sullivan, J., & Lowe, W. (2010). Chen Shui-bian: On Independence. The China Quarterly, 203, 619-638.
15. Wu, Z. (2008). Orphan of Asia. Columbia: Columbia University Press.
Recommended reading material on the topic of Taiwanese identity:
Journal Articles
1. National Identity and Democratization in Taiwan: An Introduction, T.Y. Wang
The article examines two issues connected to identities in Taiwan: the effects of the emerging national identity that is separate from mainland China’s national identity, and the effects of Taiwan’s rapid democratization. This specific work introduces a special issue on Taiwan’s national identity in the Journal of Asian and African Studies, published in 2005.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0021909605052931
2. Cleavage structure and the demise of a dominant party: The role of national identity in the fall of the KMT in Taiwan, Nathan F. Batto
The article examines the election loss of KMT in 2016. Focusing on the gradual shift in Taiwan's dominant political cleavage from Taiwanese and Chinese identity to exclusive Taiwanese identity over the past 25 years, this article looks at the political implication of identity. Published in the Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, this work provides a more recent analysis of Taiwanese identity politics.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2057891118788202
3. From Taiwanisation to De-sinification: Culture Construction in Taiwan since the 1990s, Bi-yu Chang
This article analyses the evolution of Taiwanese identity and culture since the 1990s, and how it has been influenced by the ruling parties. It specifically compares the cultural policies of the KMT and DPP, with a focus on Taiwanisation. Published in China Perspectives, in the year 2004.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/chinaperspectives.438
4. Explaining National Identity Shift in Taiwan, Yang Zhong
Using national identity theories and survey data, this article explains the shift in national identity in Taiwan. The majority of Taiwanese people reject being called "Chinese nationals," but still identify with their ethnic and cultural Chinese identity. External sovereignty-related factors, such as changed state boundaries and separation from mainland China, contribute to the national identity shift, rather than just cultural reconstruction within Taiwan. This paper was published in 2016, in the Journal of Contemporary China.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10670564.2015.1104866
1. Formosa Betrayed, George Kerr
This book describes the events leading up to the 228 Incident, a violent uprising against the Nationalist Chinese government in Taiwan in 1947. It explores the political and social context of Taiwan at the time and looks at the complicity of the United States and the Nationalist Chinese government in the massacre of thousands of Taiwanese citizens during the incident. The book is an important read today, despite being published in 1965, especially in the context of the political situation between the US, China, and Taiwan in recent times.
2. A New Illustrated History of Taiwan Paperback, Dr. Wan-yao Chou (translated by Carole Plackitt & Tim Casey)
This book challenges the male Han-centric view of Taiwanese history found in most general histories, which is why it can be considered a feminist-influenced literary piece. The author presents a loosely chronological narrative that highlights the contributions of locals, including women and Indigenous Taiwanese. Chapters on topics such as Taiwanese art, music, education, and the impact of colonizers on Indigenous communities are represented to add to the multifaceted topic. While Chou does not make many explicit political points, she does not shy away from discussing the atrocities committed by successive colonial regimes.
3. Taiwan's Struggle: Voices of the Taiwanese, Shyu-tu Lee & Jack F. Williams (Editors)
The book features original essays by prominent Taiwanese figures, providing a unique perspective on contemporary Taiwan. It covers various topics, including Taiwan's history, politics, society, economy, identity, and future prospects. The book provides a platform for diverse local voices, often overlooked in the power struggle between China and the United States over Taiwan's future. It offers a nuanced introduction to Taiwan's role in international politics, acknowledging the complex ethnic and political differences that are essential to understanding modern-day Taiwan.