As university students, we recognize the power of knowledge and the importance of staying informed about current events and issues affecting our world. Through this blog, we want to use our unique and privileged position to inform the public about current research on geopolitics and sociology, as well as cultural topics. We believe that by sharing this information, we can empower the youth as the next generation of political activists and provide them with the means to take action. Our goal is to create a community where ideas are exchanged, questions are asked, and change is made possible. We believe that we can make a difference in the world around us with the right tools and resources, and we hope to inspire others to join us on this journey.

Every month, an in-depth topic will be discussed with a blog post. With every post, we will provide a separate post on our research, with sources used and further reading material on the topic. Additionally, there is a news feed on this website that will provide an up-to-date rundown of world news via our Twitter list. 

Have fun reading!

Next Generation Political Science. Informing & Empowering Youth To Take Action For a Better Future.

The team

Isabella Kern

Founding editor & writer

Samantha Jiang

Contributing writer