Taiwanese 'Comfort Women':
Research from the blog post
Sources used in the post, cited with APA & in alphabetical order:
1. Ahmed, A. R. (2004). The Shame of Hwang v. Japan: How the International Community has Failes Asia's "Comfort Women". Texas Journal of Women and the Law, 14(1), 121-150.
2. Ama Museum. (2022). About Ama Museum. Retrieved from 阿嬤家-和平與女性人權館 - 婦女救援基金會附設: https://www.amamuseum.org.tw/en/category/1
3. Argibay, C. (2003). Sexual Slavery and the "Comfort Women" of World War II. Berkeley Jounal of International Law, 21(2), 375-389.
4. Asian Women's Fund. (2002). Projects by country or region - Taiwan. Retrieved from The Comfort Isuue and the Asian Women's Fund: https://www.awf.or.jp/e3/taiwan-01.html
5. Asian Women's Fund. (2007). Closing of the Asian Women's Fund. Retrieved from The Comfort Women's Issue and the Asian Women's Fund: https://www.awf.or.jp/e3/dissolution.html
6. Cai, D. (2023, May 23). 'Comfort women': Last known Taiwanese survivor dies at 92. Retrieved from BBC News: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-65669626
7. Chiang, M. (2023, May 22). Last known Taiwanese former comfort woman has passed away at 92. Retrieved from Radio Taiwan International: https://en.rti.org.tw/news/view/id/2009489
8. Hu, E. (2021). The Struggle Over “Comfort Women” in Taiwan: Historical Memory and Lack of Consensus. Retrieved from Global Taiwan Institute: https://ketagalanmedia.com/2021/08/23/the-struggle-over-comfort-women-in-taiwan-historical-memory-and-lack-of-consensus/
9. Suzuki, S. (2011). The Competition to Attain Justice for Past Wrongs: The "Comfort Women" Issue in Taiwan. Pacific Affairs, 84(2), 223-244.
10. Wu, H.-c. (Director). (2015). Song of the Reed [Motion Picture].
11. Yonhap. (2015). ‘Comfort Women Used to Prevent Military Revolt During War’. Retrieved from The Korea Times : https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2015/10/117_14697.html
Recommended reading material on the topic of 'comfort women':
Journal Articles
1. An “Uncomfortable” Past: Documenting Taiwanese “Comfort Women” in A Secret Buried for Fifty Years, Pin-chia Feng
The article discusses the long-hidden history of Taiwanese women forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military during WWII. It explores the challenges of uncovering this history, cultural sensitivities, and efforts for justice and recognition for survivors by using the documentary film "A Secret Buried for Fifty Years" as a means to delve into its complexities. Published in Feminist Studies in English Literature, it provides a good basis for the topic.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15796/fsel.2016.24.1.001
2. To Bear in Silence: How the Erasure of ‘Comfort Women’ in Taiwan Leads to the Dismissal of their Tragedy, Sofia Monteleone
The article discusses the erasure of "comfort women" history in Taiwan, leading to the dismissal of their tragedy. It explores how this erasure affects historical understanding and justice efforts, and the broader societal and political dynamics involved. It was written by Sofia Monteleone and published in Prologue: A First-Year Writing Journal.
Available at: https://digitalcommons.denison.edu/prologue/vol14/iss1/6/
3. The Comfort Women Controversy - Lessons from Taiwan, Thomas J. Ward
The article offers a perspective that leans towards the imperialism of Japan, contextualizing the comfort women controversy within the broader historical framework of Japan's aggressive expansionist policies in East Asia. It highlights the power dynamics and wartime propaganda that justified sex trafficking as a necessary duty to support the military effort, while also condemning these actions as unjustifiable violations of human rights. Ultimately, the article underscores the importance of understanding historical context in addressing the legacy of Japan's imperial past and seeking justice for the victims of comfort women. This article was published in the The Asia-Pacific Journal.
DOI: 10.5509/2011842223
1. The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery, Edited by Pyong Gap Min, Thomas Chung, and Sejung Sage Yim
This book explores the redress movement for victims of Japanese military sexual slavery, primarily focusing on South Korea, Japan, and the U.S. It highlights the mobilization of Asian women into Japanese military brothels during the Asian-Pacific War, with Korean "comfort women" being the largest group. Despite receiving support from international bodies, including the UN, the U.S., and Western countries, the Japanese government's failure to offer a sincere apology and compensation hampers justice for the victims.
2. The Japanese Comfort Women and Sexual Slavery during the China and Pacific Wars, Caroline Norma
During the China and Pacific wars, the Japanese military exploited thousands of women and girls, claiming to offer 'comfort' to weary troops. Movements seeking justice and reparations for these 'comfort women' have emerged since the early 1990s, shedding light on the egregious human rights violations endured by Korean, Chinese, and other Asian women. However, scant attention has been paid to the origins of the system or its initial victims. "The Japanese Comfort Women and Sexual Slavery during the China and Pacific Wars" investigates these overlooked aspects, emphasizing how Japanese women were among the first victims.
Have fun reading!
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